Our Services » Learning & Development

Leadership Alignment

Aligning an organisation’s leadership team. Our leadership alignment program is an interactive stepwise process to develop detailed strategic objectives that will serve to propel the business or team towards it’s vision.

This interactive workshop will create team alignment through various group exercise and engagement points. We undertake a review of the current organisational values, vision and mission to assess the foundations that make them strategic pillars for growth. Engaging with the leaders we can frame objective statements that will serve to propel the business towards its vision.

The leadership alignment program provides a snapshot of today. ‘Things to leave behind’, ‘things to take forward’ and ‘areas where we need support and assistance’. We get our client’s core leadership team thinking about the strategic journey they have experienced in order to be successful.

Drivers for change

We map out internal and external drivers for change

Opportunities and challenges

We help create a shared understanding of business needs and in-depth insight into current opportunities & challenges the organisation faces

Develop strategic priorities

We work in collaboration with the leadership team to develop their most pertinent strategic priorities.