How to be a more Resilient Leader

3 Apr 2023 | News

As leaders, the decisions we make in times of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, will be key. We make these decisions in the context of the challenges and change we face, and often under significant amounts of pressure. Developing and sustaining resilience allows us to continuously pivot and grow. Essentially, is about the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.

Whilst it’s easy to sit around feeling like a victim, as we didn’t cause the change, but that’s not going to enhance our ability to recover. However, at the end of the day, we are all only humans. And humans make mistakes. We as leaders make mistakes, and so too do our teams. This is an extra layer to this resilience formula. Two questions arise: How do we find this resilience? Where does it come from?

Domains of Resilience


We may have set a vision, but it may be necessary to introduce a shorter-term one – like survival and sustainment. Reset the vision.


As leaders, we know by now everyone is watching our every move. The shadow we cast is wide. If we’re calm, our teams are calm. If we are going crazy, they’ll probably go crazy. Ask yourself the question, why should someone follow you? Keep your composure, leading like a swan.


Apply rationale and logical reasoning; work through a plan.


Our health is key. The Japanese have a word called “Karoshi” which means working yourself to death – and given the culture of hierarchy and not losing face, statistically, 2000 people die each year. Don’t be a stat.


A precursor to resilience. Misguided without the other domains, it’s a maverick train crash. With the other five domains, it’s an inner belief that there is a solution out there – waiting


On collaboration,  “Talent might win games, but collaboration and teamwork win championships.” So yes, we might get some tactical short-term wins on our own drive, but we might end up as a lone nut. Sustainable solutions are ones generated from the input from others in the team.

How do we access these domains…

As a strategic leader, when faced with the continuous challenges and changes being thrown at you. Stop and think about your resilience. Where you are and where you need to be. Use the domains of resilience referenced to find that inner resolve. You may not use all the domains. That’s ok. Some will work better for you, as these might be easier for you to advance and implement, but it’s important to search for opportunities in each area. This way you’ll take your resilience levels to a new height and advance as an exemplary strategic leader.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a more resilient leader and strategic leadership techniques contact Brendan ( to find out how Ingenium’s LDP online can meet your needs.
